1984/1998 , 7 minutes, Super 8 to SD video

An early encounter with Peter Mathiessen's 1983 book In the Spirit of Crazy Horse concerning the fallout of the FBI’s ‘Reign of Terror’ over the American Indian Movement led a teenaged filmmaker on a pilgrimage to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. This journal entry of a film describes a young artist in the midst of over two years of shoe-free peregrinations, with a spare, mesmerizing narration that reflects a landscape ranging from the slimy underbelly of dirty Chicago to a hitchhiker’s perch in the back of a dusty pickup truck. See the kindness of the older self who dares also to show us the convictions of our youth. Bare feet on a paved road, a white girl stands to one side of a white line, a wolf dog weaves and dances before the camera. 

cinematography & edit in camera: Rankin Renwick
story & narration: Rankin Renwick

1998 1st Place F Word Film Festival, Portland, OR